Upcoming Appearances
Podcasts, Groups, Meetups, Conferences, Etc.

Adam Dipert on Human Everywhere Podcast
Exploring how the human body and mind adapt to the absence of gravity, emphasizing the blend of science and art in understanding and expressing movement in space. Our discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to these unique conditions for future space exploration and habitation.

Adam Dipert on Space Foundation Speaker Series
How does open mindedness help people adapt to weightlessness more quickly? Traditional mathematical canon is not necessarily relevant to the mathematics that are easier for people to learn and use. Why is it important to take ownership of your education process and not just follow instructions? In this Global Alliance interview, join Shelli Brunswick, COO of Space Foundation, and Dr. Adam Dipert, research physicist, as they discuss the unique life path that influenced Dr. Dipert’s work on the physics of movement in space.

Déjouer la gravité : voltiger en apesanteur
An international symposium on the relationship between aerobatics and weightlessness at the French National Center for Circus Arts (CNAC) in Châlons-en-Champagne France.

International Astronautical Congress
With the theme Space for @ll we would like to make this IAC an outstanding occasion to bring together all space communities, alongside the burgeoning global ecosystem and start-ups, entrepreneurs, laboratories, research scientists and manufacturers that could get involved in space activities or benefit from them. Special attention will be paid to students and young professionals, who will be closely associated through dedicated events. And the general public will not be forgotten, as space-themed conferences and exhibitions will accompany IAC.

International Jugglers' Association (IJA) Festival
“What would it look like to juggle in space?” The question grew from a curiosity into a life-consuming project that required building novel rigging equipment, designing a new technique for filming weightless movement arts on Earth, exploring new mathematical concepts, full embodied immersion in an artform, and resulted in abstraction to life on rotating space habitats.
This session will be a presentation on the development of the work and findings of Space Juggling. You will see an unreleased behind-the-scenes short film about the development process. You will learn how practice and theory were vital contributors to its development. You will see how lessons matured in a barn germinated into a unique understanding of life in rotating space habitats.
The work won 1st place in the Individuals IJA Championship Competition in 2021, was awarded the “FA’s Choice” award during the Circus International Film Festival, and is currently a finalist in the Raw Science Film Festival.

TEDx Youth @ Randall Middle School
Adam Dipert will speak at the TEDx @ Youth at Randall Middle School about math and movement education.

Weekly Space Hangout with the Space Juggler
Can't keep up with all the incredible discoveries we're making about our Universe? We've got you covered! Join Fraser Cain, Dr. Morgan Rehnberg, Dr. Kimberly Cartier, and Dr. Paul M. Sutter for a roundup of the latest astronomy and space exploration news, plus interviews with the people behind the discoveries. We record live every Wednesday at 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern for a podcast released later in the week.

Space Juggling on the Everyday Spacer Live Stream
Adam Dipert will be appearing on the Everyday Spacer to discuss how Space Juggling came into existence and how it was created.

Space Juggling: a perspective shifting approach to space entertainment with the AIAA
Adam Dipert will be speaking with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Adelaide (Australia) Section about his new suite of dance and circus moves for outer space. These movement technologies were pioneered through a lifelong flow arts practice and informed by years of math and physics research. This is a glimpse of the future of kinesthetic arts, an entirely new performance style about much more than juggling balls.
Space Juggling offers up new opportunities to explore movement liberated from the vertical axis of Earth’s gravity well, as well as new angles on perception, cognition, and object manipulation. In dynamic presentations spiced with cleverly-oriented perspectives, Adam’s work helps viewers to experience a weightless world with the juggler — opening novel art and science pathways and communicating the extraordinary insights of a totally new spin on creativity.
Aesthetically pleasing, physically precise, unprecedented space movement art.
Sign up on the Eventbrite page to attend (no cost): https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/aiaa-space-juggling-with-adam-dipert-tickets-167154482557

Future of Weightless Movement with MMAARS Virtual Academy
Adam Dipert will be speaking with the Mars-Moon Astronautics Academy & Research Science (MMAARS) Virtual Academy cohort about his movement research in weightless environments.
MMAARS is a vanguard in commercial analog astronautics for human space exploration, training the Next-Gen professionals to acquire practical hands-on skills and knowledge to enter the New Space era.

NC School of Science and Mathematics
Adam Dipert will be sharing the physics, mathematics, and entertainment of Space Juggling with students in the Summer Accelerator program at NCSSM.

Space Juggling: Film Release Event and Q&A
This will be the space art event of the year!
Join Adam Dipert as he shares the process, philosophy, mathematics, and technique of Space Juggling. This event will be the first time the Space Juggling films will be shown to the public.
Purchase tickets at https://space-juggling-film-release.eventbrite.com

Space Juggling: Film Release Event and Q&A
This will be the space art event of the year!
Join Adam Dipert as he shares the process, philosophy, mathematics, and technique of Space Juggling. This event will be the first time the Space Juggling films will be shown to the public.
Purchase tickets at https://space-juggling-film-release.eventbrite.com

NC School of Science and Mathematics
Adam Dipert will be sharing the physics, mathematics, and entertainment of Space Juggling with students in the Summer Accelerator program at NCSSM.

NC School of Science and Mathematics
Adam Dipert will be sharing the physics, mathematics, and entertainment of Space Juggling with students in the Summer Accelerator program at NCSSM.

St. Louis Space Frontier Meetup with Space Juggling - A Perspective Shifting Approach to Space Entertainment
During this presentation, Adam will share aspects of and stories about the process, philosophy, mathematics, and technique of Space Juggling — as well as some of the first Space Juggling videos ever made — and invite the audience to dream with me into a new dimension of artistic and scientific possibilities.
Sign up on Meetup at https://www.meetup.com/Saint-Louis-Space-Frontier-Meetup/events/278745238/

Pop Astro Live Podcast with host Vicky Duncalf and guest Adam Dipert
Adam Dipert will be joining the incredible Pop Astro live host Vicky Duncalf to discuss Space Juggling.
8 pm UK time

Overview Round Table Presentation with Adam Dipert
Adam Dipert will be speaking with the Overview Round Table about Space Juggling. This group is hosted by the Overview Effect author Frank White.

Kepler Space Institute Summer Session Presentation with Adam Dipert
Adam Dipert will be speaking to the Kepler Space Institute about Space Juggling.

STEAM Cafe on CosmoQuestX with host Gillian Rhodes and guest Adam Dipert
Adam Dipert will be sharing an embodied conversation about Space Juggling with dancer Gillian Rhodes on the CosmoQuestX Twitch live stream. Join us to learn more about Space Juggling through this unique conversation.

Grandmaster Ong’s Twitch live stream with Marvin Ong and Adam Dipert
Adam Dipert will be discussing Space Juggling with the one and only Marvin Ong on the Grandmaster Ong Twitch live stream. This will be a very unique conversation between two passionate and dedicated jugglers. You won’t want to miss it.